TDXCは神奈川県横浜市戸塚区及びその周辺地域に住む同好の士が集まり、2012年8月に設立された、BCL/DXを趣味とするサークルです。現在会員は18名で全員男性、年齢層は50代を中心にしていますが、一人だけ平成元年生まれの若手がいます。その若手を除く全員が70年代のいわゆるBCLブームを経験しています。皆ブーム収束後には興味関心の対象が変わってこの趣味から離れてしまったのですが、インターネットが普及した2000年前後から、きっかけはそれぞれですがカムバックして、またこの趣味を楽しんでいます。復活プチブームも収束する中で、この絶滅危惧趣味をFace to faceで結束することで楽しんでいこうと、近隣のメンバーを中心としてリアルで集まって運営しています。
TDXC is a BCL/DX hobby club established in August 2012 by a group of like-minded people living in Totsuka-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture and surrounding areas. Currently, we have 18 members, all male, mainly in their 50s, but there is one young person who is in his 30s. All members (except this youngest one) had experienced the so-called BCL boom in the 70’s. As the boom faded down, many left hobby and had no more interests in the hobby. Then since around 2000, when the Internet became widely available, many came back with finding like-minded people on internet, and made a comeback and are enjoying this hobby again, although their reasons of coming back are much different. The revival of this BCL boom is now coming to an end again, we are trying to enjoy this endangered hobby by uniting hobbyists with face to face activities, and trying to enjoy as much as possible with members in the neighborhood.
The main activity is to listen to broadcasts from around the globe, with reflecting the DX orientation of our members, we also organize DX peditions in search of good reception, edit PROPAGATION, a journal published once a year in August with articles on such receptions and other BCL-related activities. Other activities include conducting real face to face gatherings to discuss and also to drink, and exchanging information through our mailing list. DXpedition is not limited to the neighborhood, but we had visited various places in Japan. In 2013, we held a DXpedition on Hamahiga Island, Okinawa, and enjoyed receiving nearly 100 MW stations from the Philippines. Since 2020, we have started TDXC Convention, where many of our members present various reports from individual activities, which we believe these all indeed enhance each other’s intellectual interests in the hobby.